
  • We offer 3 dance sessions a week, with young people of all ages up to 18 years old. 
  • We run two classes on a Monday (4:30-5:30pm and 5:30pm-7:30pm)  
  • We run one class on a Tuesday also (5pm-8pm)  
  • All dance sessions are run in our Church space by our dance practitioners  

Primary Dance – 4:30-5:30pm 

  • The first session is for our primary group for all young people in primary school. 
  • We teach dances of all genres depending upon what the young people attending want to do.  
  • These dances will be performed in a showcase with all the dance groups and singing groups in our Dance & Singing Showcases which take place twice a year.  

Secondary Dance – 5:30-7:30pm 

  • The second session is for our secondary group for all young people in secondary school who are looking to build their skills and learn new dances.  
  • We teach dances of all genres depending upon what the young people attending want to do. 
  • The last half an hour is also dedicated to their own choreography where the people attending these sessions will choreograph their own dances in groups or on their own and they will recieve help if they need it from our dance practitioners. 
  • These dances will be performed in a showcase with all the dance groups and singing groups in our Dance & Singing Showcases which take place twice a year.

Advanced Dance (INVITE ONLY) – 5-8pm 

  • This session is for dancers looking for a challenge and to better their abilities.  
  • We teach dances of all genres depending upon what the people attending want to do. 
  • This session is invite only. Meaning the dance practitioners will select dancers from the secondary group on a Monday or elsewhere to try out for the Tuesday group if the practitioners feel they are ready for that extra push. 
  • The last hour is also dedicated to their own choreography where the people attending these sessions will choreograph their own dances in groups or on their own and they will receive help if they need it from our dance practitioners. 
  • These dances will be performed in a showcase with all the dance groups and singing groups in our Dance & Singing Showcases which take place twice a year. 
  • Any new members wanting to join Tuesday dance are welcome to join for a session to see if it’s the right one for them. This class doesn’t necessarily have an age limit, it’s mostly skill dependent.