
How much do we cost? 
All sessions cost £5 per session per week. Two sessions a week cost £10 a week. Three or more sessions a week are capped at £15 a week. Your young person could be attending as many as 8 sessions a week for just £15 a week. 

How do I pay for sessions? 
We use a system called Membermeister to keep track of who is in what session, the emergency contact details for all young people and contact details for the adults. Using this system, you receive half-termly invoices for all your sessions. This is paid for online directly from the invoice email, using GoCardless. 

What if I can’t pay the full balance of the invoice? 
We have the option with GoCardless to set up different payment options, whether monthly or weekly. This can be personalised to your needs after a discussion with us. 

Do you offer financial help? 
If you are struggling to pay for sessions, we never want money to be why a young person can’t attend sessions. Please fill in this form to apply for financial aid. https://forms.office.com/e/YWCpMQtNtq